• Beheizungen von Flüssigkeiten wie Wasser und Öl
  • Zur Beheizung von Wasser sind elektrische Strömungserhitzer geeignet.
  • HERBST Einschraubheizkörper | EHK series für die Erwärmung von Flüssigkeiten
  • Einschraubheizkörper zur Flüssigkeitsbeheizung
  • Beheizung von Öl

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Heating of liquids

Electric heating elements for heating industrial liquids are used in a wide variety of different applications.


Heating of water 

The classical example, heating water, includes domestic water, circulating water, marine or sea water and demineralized water. For each application a correct design and dimensioning of the heating elements is required. Our whole range of immersion heaters and circulation heaters supports a various number of applications where heating up water is desired.


Heating of oil

Heating oil and similar fluids is the most common use for electric heaters and heating elements. Each type of oil has its own exceptional properties mean it can handle a wide range of applications. For this reason it is necessary that the electric heater is suitable for the intended use and the permissible surface load and heat-up times are adapted to the process.

Flange and immersion heaters, but also tank heaters and cartridge heaters are used for heating of thermal oil in heat transfer systems or for preheating of hydraulic oil and oil tanks. These heating elements are also used for preheating lubricating oil systems for large engines, gears or turbines.


Heating of industrial liquids

Depending on the sheath material of the electric heaters or the protection tubes and some other ambient conditions it is possible to heat chemicals and aggressive media. The heaters can be operated safely and profitably in the long term.



Complete solution: Circulation heaters

Circulation heaters are ready for connection and separate control cabinets can be supplied. Circulation heaters can be delivered with comprehensive functions for industrial temperature monitoring and control.